Kenneth Bernholm

Kenneth Bernholm

I'm a Programmer and Technical Writer. I also do system administration and project management. See my portfolio for details.

You can e-mail me using my initials at this domain or you can find me in the phone book.

As a programmer, I know about Design Patterns and Best Practices. I know how to research User Stories and implement Use Cases. I know how to architect code and solutions to be secure, scaleable, testable, and maintainable. I'm probably not familiar with all the elements in your toolchain/stack but I'm a fairly quick learner with lots of experience to draw upon.

As a writer, I can work with style guides and Subject Matter Experts. I can write technical documentation and feature stories and short snippets. I can research subjects and produce texts targeted to specific audiences, media, and sizes. I can edit text and create diagrams and other illustrations. I probably don't know much about your products and organization but that can easily change.

My favourite activities in no particular order are:

As a person, I'm organized, methodical, and detail oriented yet easygoing and humorous. Here's more about me.

Programming Experience

Writing and Editing Experience

Design and Management Experience

Technical Experience





Random other things I've done


2023-2025 Full Stack PHP Developer, Technical Writer, and Linux System Administrator at Outhouse (graphic production company)
I participated in the development and maintenance of an internal PIM/DAM-system. I wrote independent queue and logging systems, introduced and implemented testable packages, and refactored a lot of code. I also established and maintained a base of technical developer documentation, performed Linux system administration, set up Nagios system monitoring with custom Perl plugins, and configured automatic backup. I stopped because I needed to work somewhere better geared for software development.

2020-2023 Full Stack PHP/Laravel and JavaScript Programmer at Hubhus (web CRM software house)
I designed and developed an interactive dashboard, search facilities, automation, and more for a custom web CRM system. I designed UX and UI, and I wrote, edited, and managed the main repository of technical documentation. I also refactored a lot of old code and introduced online project management and issue tracking. I stopped because I was tempted into a new and exciting startup that unfortunately failed to materialize.

2019-2020 Technical Writer at Sitecore (web CRM software house)
I wrote technical documentation for Platform Administration and Architecture and Developer Tools and created illustrations and diagrams. I also wrote and maintained an installation guide, a programmers guide, and a tool for exporting content from the Paligo CMS to Microsoft Word. I stopped because of a toxic team culture.

2011-2018 Architect, Full Stack PHP and JavaScript Programmer, UX/UI designer, FreeBSD System Administrator, and Project Manager at Know-how Data (ERP software house)
I designed and programmed CMS based fire inspection websites, webapps, and webservices for the Danish Association of Municipal Fire and Rescue Departments as well as cargo and people transport systems with integration to Microsoft Dynamics NAV and C5. I also introduced online project management and issue tracking. I stopped because the company ran out of web development work.

2008-2011 Full Stack ASP, Perl, and JavaScript Programmer and Web Designer at TechHouse (web agency)
I designed and programmed Search Engine Optimized (SEO) CMS based websites and webshops for clients. I also developed an in-house lead automation system for the sales team. I stopped because I got offered a new and exciting position.

2003-2008 Magazine Writer (freelance)
To stay at home with my newborn son, I wrote technical articles for magazines and papers. I stopped when he was in kindergarten.

2000-2003 Backend Perl Programmer and FreeBSD+Linux System Administrator at Mobilix/Orange (telecom)
I programmed and administered a two-way synchronization solution for customer data. I stopped because the company was merged with another telecom outsourcing most development, and I didn't want to continue in a new position as a middle manager.

1998-2000 Magazine Writer and Editor at IDG (technology publishing house)
I wrote and edited articles for the magazines PC World and NetWorld. I stopped in protest because a very competent editor-in-chief and good leader whom I liked and admired was unfairly dismissed.

1997-1998 Technical Writer and Book Designer at Forlaget Globe (technology publishing house)
I wrote, edited, and designed textbooks on Microsoft and Linux technologies. I stopped because the material was too lightweight.

1996-1997 Magazine Editor and Writer and Multimedia Designer at Audio Media (technology publishing house)
I wrote and edited articles and designed interactive cover CD-ROMs for the magazine Privat Computer. I stopped because of disagreements over publishing strategies.

1993-1996 Frontend JavaScript Programmer, Web Designer, and Magazine Writer (freelance)
I wrote articles for the magazine PC-Professionel and designed the magazines Amiga Bladet and PC Player. I also designed and programmed web pages. I stopped because I got offered a job as magazine editor at the publishing house that bought Amiga Interface and the other magazines from my first employer.

1989-1993 Assembly Programmer, Technical Writer, and Project Manager at Interactivision, (games and multimedia software house, Silkeborg)
I designed, programmed, and produced games, multimedia, and productivity software for danish, german, british, and american customers. I stopped because I wanted to move back to Copenhagen.

1988-1989 Magazine Writer and Editor at Forlaget Microtech (technology publishing house, Silkeborg)
I wrote articles for the magazine Amiga Interface and the publisher's other magazines before I became editor of Amiga Interface. I stopped because the magazines were bought out by a competing publisher.


1986-1988 EDB-assistent at the precursor to Copenhagen Business College Niels Brock
A vocational education in programming using Pascal, COBOL, and assembly.

1985-1986 EFG Handel og Kontor basisår at Køge Business College
A mercantile education in basic accounting, economics, sales, and marketing.

1976-1985 Public school at Strøby School
I participated in every extracurricular electronics and computer class offered.

I purchased my first computer in 1983, a very rudimentary model, and have been programming and writing about computers ever since. I expect to keep at it until I'm gone.