About Me

By Kenneth Bernholm

These are random facts about me that may or may not interest you:

I am diagnosed with depression and anxiety. These two very unpleasant sufferings are in my case triggered by stress which I avoid at all costs. But I'm happy as a clam (if clams are happy, I don't know) thanks to a good understanding of my limits and a set of effective psychological tools. My daily dose of 100mg Sertraline also makes a difference, I suppose :-)

("Fortune 32:16 - Minicomputer Performance at Microcomputer Price")

Stanley Kubrick's wife once said that "Stanley would be happy with eight tape recorders and one pair of pants". I can totally relate to that. I love tape recorders and always have several in my possession. As for pants, one pair would certainly be sufficient if they didn't need washing.

Kubrick himself once said that he wanted a Fortune 32:16 computer for Christmas because it had the best chip architecture (MC68000) and the most advanced operating system (Unix). I totally agree, and I would love an m68k Unix machine for Christmas.

Here I am in the company of nine brilliant people but why? A bit of searching should provide you with the answer. Good luck.