By Kenneth Bernholm
This is a guide for the 1984 SEKA assembler by Andelos Systems and Kuma Computers. It's meant as a replacement for the the original SEKA manual.
My reason for writing this guide is not to revive SEKA as a development tool. The Commodore Amiga computer was discontinued in 1996, and SEKA was surpassed by other assemblers long before that. SEKA is a tool that I used for commercial products in the 1980s and now, forty years later, I'm revisiting my past by writing a guide for a dear, old friend.
If you have ever used SEKA and find yourself inspired, I suggest you fire up an Amiga emulator and have a nostalgic afternoon. I enjoyed this project and discovered some SEKA features that I wasn't aware of. Perhaps you will too.
This guide covers version 1.4 of the SEKA assembler — an integrated development environment for the Motorola 68000 processor used in the Commodore Amiga and many other computers.
Assembly code, object code, and linked code is stored in memory ensuring a fast edit/assemble/link/debug cycle with no disk access required.
Motorola mnemonics are entered in the editor or loaded from third party text editors and code generators.
The conditional assembler includes macro facilities and produces either absolute or relocatable object code at a rate of 25.000 lines per minute.
Executable code is produced as standard but linkable code can be produced too, resulting in a factor 5-10 speed increase during assembling.
Debugging and code inspection is possible with the symbolic debugger, the line assembler, and the disassembler.
This guide uses special formatting for selected elements:
Regular text | ||
Proper nouns | Capitalized and italicised Serif font | Proper noun |
Proper nouns internal to Motorola 68000 and SEKA | Capitalized blue | Internal proper noun |
Screen, printer, keyboard, and other devices | Small caps | screen |
Input/Output (I/O) | ||
All I/O | Monospace font | Input/Output |
Individual keystrokes and combined shortcuts | Black border | Keystroke |
Terms, commands, flags, instructions, directives, and pointers | Uppercase | TERM |
Parameters, arguments, extensions, expressions, and registers | Italic | Parameter |
Default values | Bold | Default value |
I/O origins | ||
Author (passive information) | Gray background | information |
Reader (literal input for you to type) | Orange background | input |
Computer (literal machine output) | Blue background | output |
I/O delimiters (can be combined) | ||
Optional values | Square brackets | [] |
Your values | Angle brackets | <> |
Multiple options separator | Pipe | | |
In a few places, the text is marked in pink. This indicates that I was not able to test the functionality or that it didn't appear to be working.
Descriptions of assembly language often confuses the words "assembly", "assembler", and "assemble". This occurs especially in conjunction with other words, so let's clear it up:
You are an "assembly programmer"; not an "assembler programmer" unless you're writing the assembler tool itself.
You write software in "assembly" or "assembly language"; not in "assembler" which would be like writing software in "compiler".
The Motorola 68000 is a 16/32-bit Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) processor. It's named "16/32-bit" because it uses both 16, 24, and 32 bit data sizes.
The Motorola 68000 registers are:
A0-A7 |
32-bit Address Registers |
D0-D7 |
32-bit Data Registers |
SP |
32-bit Stack Pointer |
32-bit Supervisor Stack Pointer |
32-bit User Stack Pointer |
PC |
32-bit Program Counter |
SR |
16-bit Status Register |
The A7
and SP
registers refers to SSP
or USP
depending on the s
flag in the Status Register.
For further information about the Motorola 68000 processor and how to program it, consult the Motorola 68000 books in The Internet Archive.
SEKA always operates in one of these modes:
Every SEKA operation involves one or more memory buffers:
Workspace Buffer |
Source Buffer |
Clipboard Buffer | |
Object Code Buffer |
Data Buffer |
Linker Buffer |
Relocation Table for the Object Code Buffer |
Relocation Table for the Data Buffer |
The start and end of the Source Buffer and the Linker Buffer are represented by pointers:
Start of the Source Buffer |
End of the Source Buffer |
Start of the Linker Buffer |
End of the Linker Buffer |
Other pointers:
The Current Line Pointer is the offset line number of the Source Buffer |
The Current Object Pointer is the memory address immediately following the Code Buffer |
Some SEKA commands and assembler directives and some Motorola 68000 mnemonics accepts size extensions for operating exclusively on 8-bit bytes .b
, 16-bit words .w
, or 32-bit longwords .l
. This guide shows size extensions with the default extension in bold: <.b|l|w>
When SEKA prompts for memory ranges in the form of START> and STOP> addresses, the STOP> address is not included in the memory range. For example, START>$0010 and STOP>$0015 defines the memory from $0010 to $0014. The same rule applies to BEGIN> and END> memory ranges.
Type seka to start the SEKA assembler. The program presents you with a copyright message and prompts you for a workspace memory size. 150 kB is a good initial size if the computer is not running other applications:
Andelos 68000 Assembler SEKA v1.5 - Copyright (C) Andelos Systems 1984-1986 Amiga Version -- Sole distributors: Kuma Computers, Pangbourne, Berks, UK WORKSPACE KB>SEKA is now in Command Mode.
A SEKA> prompt indicates that SEKA is in Command Mode and ready for input.
IMPORTANT Unless otherwise stated, SEKA is case-insensitive like the AmigaDOS filesystem.
Command Mode keystrokes and shortcuts:
Return |
Executes a command and sends the output to the screen |
Ctrl+P |
Executes a command and sends the output to the printer |
Ctrl+C |
Aborts the command you're currently entering |
Up |
Recalls the last command entered |
Command Mode general commands:
?<e> |
Evaluate expression | Evaluates the expression <e> and shows the result in decimal and hexadecimal |
Y |
Serial mode | Enters serial mode where the screen and keyboard communicates on the RS232 serial port. <Ctrl+C> , <Ctrl-S> , and <Ctrl-Q> are interpreted by the connected serial device and not sent to SEKA |
RX |
Read from auxillary | Loads data from the RS232 serial port into the prompted BEGIN> and END> memory area |
WX |
Write to auxillary | Writes data to the RS232 serial port |
! |
Exits SEKA and returns to AmigaDOS |
KS |
Kill Source | Erases the Source Buffer by moving the EOF pointer |
O |
Old | Recovers a recently erased Source Buffer and set the first character to ";" |
CL |
Copy to Linker Buffer |
Appends linkable code from the Object Code Buffer to the Linker Buffer WARNING The |
KL |
Kill Linker Buffer | Erases the Linker Buffer |
H |
How big |
Lists the memory areas of the Workspace, the Source Buffer and any non-empty buffers: SEKA>H Work 047B04 057B04 65536 Src 047C82 047D78 246 |
The Line Edit Mode lets you edit the Source Buffer on a line-by-line basis.
Command Mode Line Edit Mode commands:
E |
Edit | Edits the line pointed to by the CLP |
T<l=1> |
Target | Moves the CLP to line <l> |
B |
Bottom | Moves the CLP to the last line |
U<l=1> |
Up | Moves the CLP <l> lines up |
D<l=1> |
Down | Moves the CLP <l> lines down |
P<l=1> |
Lists <l> lines from the CLP down and moves the CLP <l> -1 lines down |
Z<l=1> |
Zap | Deletes <l> lines from the CLP down and renumbers any subsequent lines |
L<s> |
Locate | Finds the next case sensitive occurrance of string <s> and sets the CLP accordingly |
L |
Locate | Finds the next occurrance of string and sets the CLP accordingly |
I |
Insert | Enters Insert Mode |
Entering Insert Mode inserts a new line immediately above the CLP and with the CLP line number. Any subsequent lines are renumbered. Press Return to store the new line and insert one more or Esc to return to Command Mode.
A |
Assemble | Assembles the Source Buffer into the Object Buffer |
A<a> |
Immediate Assembler Mode | Enters Immediate Assembler Mode and waits for an instruction to assemble into address <a> . To assemble into the COP , use * as the address. To exit Immediate Assembler Mode, press Esc |
G[<a=PC>] |
Goto address |
If supplied, stores address IMPORTANT If you don't enter any breakpoints, you must end your program with an |
J[<a=PC>] |
Jump to subroutine |
Executes code like the
S<i=1> |
Single step |
Uses the Motorola 68000 trace facility to execute |
X |
Examine registers |
Dumps the content of the registers to the screen: D0=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 A0=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 SSP=00000000 USP=00000000 SR=A31F tsxnzvc PC=000000 BR $000008The rows contain:
X<rp> |
Examine and modify register or pointer | Shows the value of register or pointer <rp> . To change the value, type a new value and press Return. To leave the value unchanged, just press Return |
Q[<.b|l|w>]<a=COP> |
Query memory | Dumps 128 bytes or 64 words or 32 longwords of memory in hexadecimal and text representation starting at the COP or address <a> . Then sets the COP to the address after the last dumped address |
M[<.b|l|w>]<a=COP> |
Examine and Modify memory | Shows the value of address <a> . Type a new value and press Return or just press Return to move to the next address. To end, press Esc |
F[<.b|l|w>] |
Fill memory | Prompts for BEGIN> and END> addresses and a DATA> value to fill the memory range |
C |
Copy memory | Prompts for BEGIN>, END>, and DESTINATION> addresses and copies the memory range without eventually overwriting source data with destination data |
N<a=COP> |
Disassembles memory into mNemonics |
Disassembles 16 lines of code starting at the Note that the disassembler:
Command Mode file system commands prompts for a FILENAME> and sometimes other parameters as well. SEKA automatically adds a .S
extension to assembly files and a .LNK
extension to linkable files.
R |
Read assembly file | Loads an assembly file into the Source Buffer at the CLP |
W |
Write assembly file | Saves the Source Buffer to an assembly file |
WO |
Write Object file | Saves the Object Buffer to an executable file with header and relocation information |
RL |
Read Linkable file |
Appends a linkable file to the Linker Buffer WARNING The |
WL |
Write Linkable file | Saves the Object Buffer to a linkable file. |
RI |
Read Image file | Loads a data file into the prompted START> and STOP> memory area. To read an entire data file, set STOP> to -1 |
WI |
Write Image file | Saves the prompted START> and STOP> memory area to a data file |
KF |
Kill File | Deletes the file if it exists |
> |
copy output to file | Copies all screen/printer output to a file. End the copying with another > command |
V<p=""> |
View directory | Lists the current directory. If a <p> path is supplied, sets the current directory to this path before listing the directory.
Editor Mode is a full-screen text editor for the Source Buffer. To change from Command Mode to Editor Mode and back, press Esc.
WARNING SEKA erases the Clipboard Buffer when you exit Editor Mode.
Editor Mode keystrokes and shortcuts:
Ctrl+O |
Opens a blank line above the cursor. |
Ctrl+B |
Selects content in the Source Buffer |
Ctrl+C |
Cuts the selection from the Source Buffer to the Clipboard Buffer |
Ctrl+P |
Pastes the Clipboard Buffer to the Source Buffer at the CLP |
Ctrl+W |
Saves the Clipboard Buffer to a file |
Together, the assembler and the linker can assemble and link assembly source code and linkable object code separately or together into executable object code.
Most combinations of assembly source code, linkable object code, and the L
link flag are valid. The only illegal operations is attempting to produce linkable object code from existing linkable object code.
The Source Buffer contains assembly source code? | The Linker Buffer contains linkable object code? | The link flag is set? | The Object Code Buffer receives code? |
False | False | False | False |
True | False | False | True, executable |
False | True | False | True, executable CODE/DATA/CREL/DREL |
True | True | False | True, executable CODE/DATA/CREL/DREL |
False | False | True | False |
True | False | True | True, linkable |
False | True | True | False, illegal operation |
True | True | True | False, illegal operation |
The assembler can output an assembly listing as the assembling progresses. In listings, long identifiers are truncated, and beginning-of-line comments are formatted differently than end-of-line comments.
A listing always include a Symbol Table. Symbols are alphanumeric identifiers pointing to values, and the identifier must always begin with a letter and cannot be a reserved word. You define symbols with labels or with the =
or EQU
The Symbol Table entries takes the form of NAME...VALUE[+]|-MACRO-. The + indicates a relocatable or external name, and MACRO replaces VALUE if NAME is a macro.
The assembler automatically upgrades out-of-range short branches to long .L
branches and produces a warning. This occurs whether or not you have enabled branch optimization.
The assembler handles warnings and errors differently depending on the listing status:
You start assembling with the A command, and SEKA prompts you for OPTIONS> to produce listings and Object Code.
V |
Outputs a listing to the screen |
P or E |
Outputs a listing to the printer |
H |
Pauses between listing pages and continues with Any Key |
L |
Produces linkable Object Code |
O |
Enables branch optimization. The assembler adds WARNING The |
SEKA assembly syntax consist of four elements: <Label:> <Operator> <Operand> <;Comment>
. Whitespace is only required between the operator and an operand, and an operand without an operator returns an error.
Labels must be suffixed with a colon.
Operators are Motorola 68000 mnemonics.
SEKA by default interprets numbers as addresses. Literal numbers are prefixed with #
as in #42
SEKA requires prefixes for hexadecimal $
, octal @
, and binary %
numbers but not for decimal numbers.
Operand expressions can include:
and Not ~
, Subtraction -
, Multiplication *
, and Division /
, Or !
, and Xor ~
and Greater Than >
Assembler Directives controls the assembling.
Memory allocation and alignment | ||||
= |
Identical to EQU |
Defines a symbol with a value | console: EQU 80*24 |
BLK<.b|l|w> |
Defines a block of memory | |||
DC<.b|l|w> |
Defines one or more comma separated numbers or strings |
DC.B #$FF DC.W #$FFFF DC.L $FFFFFFFF DC 'Hello, World' |
ALIGN <n=2|4> |
Aligns succeding object code or data to the next word or longword boundary |
ALIGN 2 aligns to word ALIGN 4 aligns to longword |
Forces the address even by defining a byte if necessary | |||
Forces the address odd by defining a byte if necessary | |||
Operators and symbols | ||||
Generates an illegal instruction | |||
LINE_A <n> |
Generates a LINE_A call |
LINE_F <n> |
Generates a LINE_F call |
Elevates one or more symbols to the global namespace. This directive is only usable when assembling with the L option and must be the first line in the source file |
Conditional assembling | ||||
IF <expression> |
Only assembles the succeeding lines if the expression evalues to true. Can be nested up to eight levels. | |||
Only assembles the succeeding lines if the previous IF directive evaluated to false |
Ends conditional assembling | |||
Macro. | ||||
Begins a macro definition | SYM: MACRO |
?0 |
Defines three digits inside a macro defintion. The digits are unique for each macro call and useable for creating local labels | VARNAME?0 |
?<n> |
Refers to macro parameter <n> (1-9 are valid) |
Ends a macro definition | |||
Returns true if a macro parameter is blank | IFB ?2 |
<macro> [<n>,...] |
Calls a macro with optional comma separated arguments | |||
Address modes | ||||
ORG <address> |
Enables Absolute Address mode | |||
LOAD <address> |
Assemble object code at a specific address. Works only in Absolute Address mode | |||
Enables Relative Address mode for code segment. Begins at address 0 | |||
Enables Relative Address mode for uninitialized data segment. Begins at address 0 | |||
Ends assembling | |||
Listing (only relevant if you started assembling with listing enabled) | ||||
LIST [<C|D|E|X>] |
Enables listing entirely or for specific areas only |
LIST LIST C ;macro calls LIST D ;macro definitions LIST E ;macro expansions LIST X ;code extensions |
NLIST [<C|D|E|X>] |
Disables listing entirely or for specific areas only |
NLIST NLIST C ;macro calls NLIST D ;macro definitions NLIST E ;macro expansions NLIST X ;code extensions |
Inserts a page break | |||
PINIT <codes> |
Defines a printer initialization control code sequence | |||
PLEN <66> |
Defines the printer page length | |||
PWID <80> |
Defines the printer line length |
Prefix comments according to their position:
*a comment
move.l #42,d0 ;a comment